I appreciated this article because I have been treated for anxiety with the use of acupuncture treatments. This article went into Detail as to why those two specific points LU& and K16 work great for treating anxiety.
Article Link: http://www.healthcmi.com/Acupuncture-Continuing-Education-News/1256-acupuncture-calms-anxiety-disorder-new-research
Monday, March 24, 2014
What is meditation?
A interesting Article BY:
What is meditation?
“I will meditate on all your activity and ponder over your dealings.”—Psalm 77:12.
Meditation takes many forms, a number of which have roots in ancient Eastern religions. “The mind has to be empty to see clearly,” said one writer on the subject. His words reflect the view that emptying the mind while focusing on certain words or images promotes inner peace, mental clarity, and spiritual enlightenment.
The Bible puts a high value on meditation. (1 Timothy 4:15, footnote) The kind of meditation that it encourages, however, does not entail emptying the mind or repeating a certain word or phrase, sometimes called a mantra. Rather, Biblical meditation involves purposeful thinking on wholesome topics, such as God’s qualities, standards, and creations. “I meditate on all your activity; I eagerly ponder over the work of your hands,” prayed a faithful man of God. (Psalm 143:5) He also said: “I remember you while upon my bed; I meditate on you during the watches of the night.” —Psalm 63:6.
How can meditation benefit you?
“The heart of the righteous one meditates before answering.”—Proverbs 15:28.
Wholesome meditation gives us inner depth, quiet reserve, and moral strength —all of which add insight and understanding to our speech and behavior. (Proverbs 16:23) Such meditation, therefore, also contributes to a happy and rewarding life. Concerning the person who regularly meditates on God, Psalm 1:3 states: “He will be like a tree planted by streams of water, a tree that produces fruit in its season, the foliage of which does not wither. And everything he does will succeed.”
Meditation also helps us to improve our comprehension and memory. To illustrate, when we study an aspect of creation or a certain Bible topic, we learn many interesting facts. But when we meditate on those facts, we see how they relate to one another and to what we have learned in the past. Thus, just as a carpenter turns raw materials into an attractive building, meditation enables us to “assemble” facts into a coherent pattern or structure.
Should meditation be properly directed?
“The heart is more treacherous than anything else and is desperate. Who can know it?”—Jeremiah 17:9.
“From inside, out of the heart of men, come injurious reasonings, sexual immorality, thefts, murders, acts of adultery, greed, acts of wickedness, deceit, brazen conduct, an envious eye, . . . and unreasonableness.” (Mark 7:21, 22) Yes, like a fire, meditation must be controlled! Otherwise, improper thoughts could nurture hurtful desires that might race out of control and lead to evil deeds. —James 1:14, 15.
Accordingly, the Bible encourages us to meditate on ‘things that are true, righteous, pure, lovable, well-spoken-of, virtuous, and praiseworthy.’ (Philippians 4:8, 9; footnote) When we take in such fine thoughts and “sow” them in our mind, we will reap in the form of beautiful qualities, gracious speech, and warm relationships with others. —Colossians 4:6.
The Untold Story of Creation
This is a very interesting Article By: http://www.jw.org/en/publications/magazines/g201403/untold-story-of-creation/
"The Untold Story of Creation"
BILLIONS of people have read or heard what the Bible says about the beginning of the universe. The 3,500-year-old account starts with the well-known statement: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”
Many people, however, are unaware of the fact that Christendom’s leaders, including so-called creationists and fundamentalists, have spun the Bible account of creation into numerous tales that deviate from what the Bible really says. These interpretations fly in the face of scientific fact. Even though those tales are not found in the Bible, they have caused some people to dismiss the Bible account as mythical allegory.
The real Bible story of creation has gone largely unnoticed. This is a shame, for the Bible actually presents a very logical and credible explanation of the beginning of the universe. What is more, that explanation harmonizes with scientific discovery. Yes, you might be pleasantly surprised by the Bible’s untold story of creation!
The Bible account of creation hinges on the fact that there is a Supreme Being, Almighty God, who created all things. Who is he, and what is his nature? The Bible reveals that he is quite different from the deities found in popular culture and mainstream religion. He is the Creator of all things, but most people know very little about him.
- God is a person, an individual. He is not a vague force devoid of personality, floating aimlessly throughout the universe. He has thoughts, feelings, and goals.
- God has infinite power and wisdom. This explains the complex design found everywhere in creation, especially in living things.
- God created all physical matter. Hence, he cannot be made of physical elements that he himself has created. Rather, he is of a spiritual, or nonphysical, nature.
- God’s existence is not limited by time. He has always existed and will always exist. Hence, no one created him.
- God has a personal name, which is used thousands of times in the Bible. That name is Jehovah.
- Jehovah God loves and cares for humans.
The Bible states that God created “the heavens and the earth.” This broad statement, however, makes no reference to the length of time involved in creating the universe or to the methods he used to shape it. What about the widespread creationist belief that God created the universe in six literal 24-hour days? This concept, widely rejected by scientists, is based on a gross misunderstanding of the Bible account. Consider what the Bible really says.
The Bible does not support fundamentalists and creationists who claim that the creative days were literal 24-hour days
- The Bible does not support fundamentalists and creationists who claim that the creative days were literal 24-hour days.
- The Bible frequently uses the term “day” to designate various periods of time. In some cases these periods are of an unspecified length. The account of creation found in the Bible book of Genesis is one example of this.
- In the Bible account, each of the six creative days could have lasted for thousands of years.
- God had already created the universe, including a lifeless planet Earth, by the time the first creative day began.
- Evidently the six creative days were long periods during which Jehovah God prepared the earth for human habitation.
- The Bible account of creation does not conflict with scientific conclusions about the age of the universe.
Many who do not believe in the Bible embrace the theory that living things emerged from lifeless chemicals through unknown and mindless processes. Supposedly, at some point a bacteria-like, self-replicating organism arose, gradually branching out into all the species that exist today. This would imply that ultimately the mind-bogglingly complex human actually evolved from bacteria.
The theory of evolution is also embraced by many who claim to accept the Bible as the word of God. They believe that God produced the first burst of life on earth but then simply monitored, and perhaps steered, the process of evolution. That, however, is not what the Bible says.
The Bible account of creation does not conflict with the scientific observation that variations occur within a kind
- According to the Bible, Jehovah God created all the basic kinds of plant and animal life, as well as a perfect man and woman who were capable of self-awareness, love, wisdom, and justice.
- The kinds of animals and plants created by God have obviously undergone changes and have produced variations within the kinds. In many cases, the resulting life-forms are remarkably different from one another.
- The Bible account of creation does not conflict with the scientific observation that variations occur within a kind.
In the mid-1800’s, British biologist Alfred Russel Wallace agreed with Charles Darwin on the theory of evolution by natural selection. But even this renowned evolutionist is said to have stated: “For those who have eyes to see and minds accustomed to reflect, in the minutest cells, in the blood, in the whole earth, and throughout the stellar universe . . . , there is intelligent and conscious direction; in a word, there is Mind.”
Almost two thousand years before Wallace, the Bible had already observed: “For [God’s] invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship.” (Romans 1:20) From time to time, you might want to take a moment to reflect on the marvelous complexities found in nature —from a single blade of grass to the countless heavenly bodies. By examining creation you can perceive the Creator.
‘But if there is a loving God who created all things,’ you may ask, ‘why would he permit suffering? Has he abandoned his earthly creation? What does the future hold?’ The Bible contains many other untold stories —truths that have been buried under human ideas and religious agendas and, therefore, hidden from most people. The publishers of this magazine, Jehovah’s Witnesses, would be happy to help you examine unadulterated Bible truth and learn more about the Creator and the future of his human creation.
Tuesday, March 11, 2014
My thoughts on the diet suggestions in pH Balance: Acids, Alkalis and Antioxidants
I actually feel that this is a good diet/healthy nutrition plan. This diet basically is what mankind have been eating, but with the boom of supermarkets, and free enterprise the increase of the consumption of flour, processed foods, loads of sugar, alcohol etc...this has contributed to the imbalance of the pH in our system.

I want to purchase pH test strips to test my levels and implement food according to the diet, so it can balance my system if needed. This is a very helpful tool to use with future patients and family now.
I want to purchase pH test strips to test my levels and implement food according to the diet, so it can balance my system if needed. This is a very helpful tool to use with future patients and family now.

Monday, March 10, 2014
Does Aluminum in Anti-Perspirant Deodorant Cause Breast Cancer?
Does Aluminum in Anti-Perspirant Deodorant Cause Breast Cancer?

"I just got information from a health seminar that I would like to share. The leading cause of breast cancer is the use of antiperspirant. Yes, ANTIPERSPIRANT. Most of the products out there are an anti-perspirant/deodorant combination so go home and check your labels." (Email that went Viral)
Why did I choose to investigate this topic?
My Initial Hypothesis Before Research for this Report
How I Investigated?
1. Why do we sweat? -
-Why do we use Anti-Perpsirant ?
2. What is Aluminum Chlorohydrate?
3. Why is it used in Deodorant?
4. How does it affect us? (Kidney disease caution dangers)/ FDA findings/ Studies/Cancer Fears
- Antiperspirants and Cancer
- What Does FDA Say?
5. Benefits of using natural alternatives
6. Conclusion/ My Thoughts
Why did I choose to investigate this topic?
I decided to do research on the topic of Aluminum in deodorant and if it is a contributing factor in Breast cancer because my mom has Kidney Disease and developed Breast cancer a few years later. Also I would occasionally develop lumps under my arm when I used deodorant brought from the store. So my grandmother would tell me to take a lemon and put baking soda on it and rub under my arm then apply a little vitamin e, cut a aloe vera leaf open and rub it gently under your arm instead of using the store brought kind.
My Initial Hypothesis Before Research
If the body naturally wants to sweat ..maybe it should. But if you are sweating too much than ou have some other underlying health conditions that needs to be addressed. Also if your sweat stinks and you are constantly covering it up with the deo and fragrance that is something else that needs to be addressed. Usually a person who drinks a good amount of water and eats healthy balance meals and exercise regularly tend not to have funky sweaty smells under the arm. I believe that the chemicals used in Deo does affect the estrogen in the breast, but I think that its not the main factor when it comes to breast cancer. I think that its just another toxin that the body has to filter. I believe that cancer is caused by our bodies being subjected to many toxins daily. So I would say as best you can to try to eliminate toxins when you can. I know that DEO has caution on its label to consult your doctor if you have kidney disease if you are using DEO. They do this because aluminum is a toxins that the kidney flushes out the body and when using DEO this can build up in your system when you have kidney disease and can cause dementia and estrogen changes in your body.
How I Investigated?
I read respected medical website on the matter such as cancer.org, WebMD, US National Library of Medicine Government website, other respected natural way of life advocates, and my own experience with aluminum based deodorants (See references at the end of report).
1. Why do we sweat? -
Sweating is normal. Everyone needs this bodily function to naturally cool off and get rid of excess heat from working muscles, detoxify dissolved solids, and send sodium (salt) back into the blood to maintain salinity in the body. There are over 4 million sweat glands in the human body; you can find them everywhere except on your actual lips.
Perspiration or sweat is controlled by your sympathetic nervous system. Sweat glands are long, coiled tubes that are found in your in the skin. There are several sweat glands that are located in various parts of the body.
Why do we use Anti-Perpsirant ?
Antiperspirants are designed to prevent our body from producing sweat by blocking sweat from reaching the skin. Aluminum is the active ingredient found in most antiperspirants. Aluminum blocks the pores so that sweat cannot pass through.
2. What is Aluminium Chlorohydrate?
Aluminum chlorohydrate is a simple form of aluminum-based salts that is used to provide wetness protection in underarm antiperspirant products. Aluminum chlorohydrate is also widely used in water purification to remove dissolved organic material. Aluminum chlorohydrate is typically mined and purified from the naturally occurring mineral bauxite. Aluminum is the third most abundant element in the Earth's crust behind oxygen and silicon. As previously noted, the primary source for aluminum is from the bauxite ore. In this product, we are using an aluminum chlorohydrate prepared from recycled aluminum (recycled in the USA), which was originally from bauxite ore. Aluminum, like many of earth’s resources, is finite. Using recycled aluminum reduces energy consumption and greenhouse gas production as compared with sourcing aluminum from bauxite ore and helps to manage depletion of a global finite resource.
3. Why is it used in Deodorant?
Aluminum chlorohydrate is one of the 18 wetness protection ingredients approved by the Food and Drug Association for use in over the counter underarm antiperspirant products. Clinical studies show that people who use antiperspirant stick have significantly dryer underarms. Aluminum chlorohydrate reduces the amount of sweat on the skin surface, the ingredient also creates a skin environment which is hostile to the growth of malodor-producing bacteria to help reduce underarm odor as well.
4. How does it affect us? (Kidney disease caution dangers)/ FDA findings/ Studies/Cancer Fears
WebMD put the question to several experts, and discovered that the rumors about antiperspirants don't stand up to the science. Antiperspirant worries center on the active ingredient …. aluminum- which plugs the sweat ducts and prevents you from sweating.
Ted S. Gansler, MD, MBA, director of medical content for the American Cancer Society,
said “Worrying about antiperspirants shouldn't distract women from addressing the real breast cancer risks, especially the ones they can control, like eating healthy, getting regular exercise, and limiting alcohol.”
Others say that since the aluminum blocks the sweat glands the body is not allowed to
detox via the underarms, also when you shave the aluminum can be absorbed in the body and affects the estrogen levels in women.
Antiperspirants and Cancer
Is it Non-sense?
A few studies in recent years have said that aluminum-based antiperspirants may increase the risk for breast cancer. Cancer-causing substances in antiperspirants are absorbed through razor nicks from underarm shaving. These substances are said to be deposited in the lymph nodes under the arm, which are not able to get rid of them by sweating because the antiperspirant keeps you from perspiring. This causes a high concentration of toxins, which leads to cells mutating into cancer. Also those chemicals may then interact with DNA and lead to cancerous changes in cells, or interfere with the action of the female hormone estrogen, which is known to influence the growth of breast cancer cells.There are no strong epidemiologic studies that link breast cancer risk and antiperspirant use, and very little scientific evidence to support this claim. Ted S. Gansler, MD, MBA, director of medical content for the American Cancer Society said "There is no convincing evidence that antiperspirant or deodorant use increases cancer risk,"
A carefully designed epidemiologic study of this issue published in 2002 compared 813 women with breast cancer and 793 women without the disease. The researchers found no link between breast cancer risk and antiperspirant use, deodorant use, or underarm shaving
But it isn’t clear that much aluminum is absorbed through the skin. One study that looked at the absorption of aluminum from antiperspirants containing aluminum chlorohydrate applied to the underarms found that only a tiny fraction (0.012%) was absorbed. The actual amount of aluminum absorbed would be much less than what would be expected to be absorbed from the foods a person eats during the same time.
According to Scientific studies or medical journals, at this point, no clear link has been made between antiperspirants containing aluminum and breast cancer.
Is it a reality? Can Aluminum cause cancer?
INTERESTING MEDICAL FACT: Breast cancer tissue contains more aluminum than normal breast tissue.
Cancer researcher Philippa Darbre, PhD, of the University of Reading in England says “the evidence is mounting that the aluminum-based active ingredient in antiperspirants can mimic estrogen in the body. Lifetime exposure to estrogen is the risk factor which is tied most strongly to breast cancer, If the aluminum salts in antiperspirants enter the body and mimic estrogen it stands to reason that constant exposure over many years may pose a risk."
Dr. Darbre says her own cellular research shows that aluminum salt exposure can influence estrogen activity. Because antiperspirants are used so closely to the breast, and are often used by women directly after shaving , which might allow for easier absorption. She also says it is reasonable to question whether antiperspirant exposure could influence breast cancer risk. She adds that women should consider cutting down on their antiperspirant use or cutting them out entirely.
Do antiperspirants keep a person from sweating cancer-causing toxins out through their underarm lymph nodes?
Lymph nodes help clear out bacteria, viruses, and other possible threats to the body, but the lymph nodes do not release waste or toxins through sweating. In fact, lymph nodes are not connected to sweat glands. Sweat glands are located in the skin, not in the lymph nodes.
INTERESTING FACT: Most cancer-causing substances that enter the body are removed from the blood by the kidneys and by the liver. Substances removed by the kidneys are released into urine, while those taken by the liver are released into bile. The bile then mixes with and is eliminated with feces. So the real problem may be that people kidneys and liver are not cleansing properly. The cancer causing toxins are building up in the system, but at the same time putting small amounts of toxins on our body on a daily will not benefit us.
What Does FDA Say?
“We are aware that many people are concerned with the safety of aluminum-based underarm products as a small number of studies have linked the use of such products with the occurrence of breast cancer and Alzheimer’s disease. Based on a thorough review of all the literature available, and the recommendations of the American Cancer Society and the Alzheimer’s Association, we believe that the use of our product is absolutely safe. As recommended by the FDA, you should consult with your doctor about the use of antiperspirant if you suffer from kidney disease. Since the kidneys play an important role in eliminating aluminum from the body, the FDA decided it was prudent to alert consumers who have kidney disease to the fact that their exposure to aluminum from use of antiperspirants might need to be discussed with their physician in order to make sure that the aluminum will not accumulate in the body. As with any OTC product, antiperspirants should be kept away from children.”
FDA requires antiperspirant labels to carry a warning that reads, "Ask a doctor before use if you have kidney disease." Yet this warning is only meant for people whose kidneys are functioning at 30% or less.
A spokesperson for the National Kidney Foundation says “In reality, it's almost impossible to absorb enough aluminum through the skin to harm the kidneys. Unless you eat your stick or spray it into your mouth, your body can't absorb that much aluminum".
A comment made from a anti-perspirant advocate “If you'd prefer to go natural, you could try an aluminum-free antiperspirant alternative, or even rub items from your kitchen such as tea or lemon under your arms. Just be warned: The resulting aromas and wet spots could cause your friends to flee. A lot of people may want to try things, but if they want to be dry, then they need to use an antiperspirant".
5. Benefits of using natural alternatives
These are some of the benefits I see you get from using natural/homemade deodorant.
* No harmful chemicals
* All Ingredients can be actually digested in the body
* Self -Sufficiency
* No Yellow stains in your shirts (which is caused by your sweat and the chemical used)
* No clogged up pores
* No lumps or irritated underarms
* Reduce exposure to unnecessary toxins
What are the alternatives?
Many local stores carry alternatives. Some brands are Tom Maine, JASON and others. I prefer to use homemade products. Here are some links below:
Most recipes include Baking Soda NaHCO3 (sodium bicarbonate), Corn Starch, coconut oil and Shea Butter and Tea Tree Oil.
Why are the following Ingredients used in homemade Deodorant
Baking soda - Helps to better control wetness without clogging up pores
Corn Starch - Helps to thicken deodorant
Coconut Oil - The lauric acid in coconut oil kills odor-causing bacteria.
Shea Butter - Moisturize the underarm because the Baking soda can cause irritation
Tea Tree Oil - Anti-bacterial (reduce or eliminates order) and adds aroma/scent
Natural recipes for deodorant:
My Conclusion/Thoughts
I believe that under Ideal conditions Aluminum in deodorant may not cause breast cancer. Ideal meaning that the persons kidneys and liver are functioning at optimal levels. However, many people today systems are already burdened with so many environmental toxins.
The concern should not be on covering up the sweat and odor, but the question should be asked…why does my odor stink? Am I not drinking enough water, eating enough fruits and veggies, should I eat less processed foods? As far as sweat ….we all sweat normally ..as a society we need to except that fact and not make a big deal of spotting a person with a bit of a sweaty arm pit.
I have a couple of Ethiopian friends say that they never used deodorant in their country and they didn’t stink or sweat that much until they moved to the USA and started to eat the American food they started to stink when they sweat. Our food choices and quality of food defiantly affects our odor.
So despite the medical studies I would still choose to go the natural way and do my best to eliminate toxins when I can and do my best to strengthen my liver and kidneys which help to cleanse out cancer causing toxins.
Monday, March 3, 2014
The Mediterranean Diet
Evidence shows that people adopt the whole diet like the Mediterranean Diet have a lower chance of heart attacks and cardiovasular issues. Researchers studied information from 1957 to 2014 to study the relationship between food and heart disease. The study showed higher intake of saturated fats increased heart disease. They also found that a low fat diet lowered cholesterol, but the whole diet approach like the Mediterranean one had a greater reduction of heart disease.
What really is the Mediterranean Diet?
It mainly focuses on increasing intake of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fresh pasta, fish and less meats. It also encourages intake of good fats like avocados and nuts.
Despite all these scientific test basically we all need to eat whole food and each food in moderation
What really is the Mediterranean Diet?
It mainly focuses on increasing intake of fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fresh pasta, fish and less meats. It also encourages intake of good fats like avocados and nuts.
Despite all these scientific test basically we all need to eat whole food and each food in moderation
The chemicals under my kitchen sink (week 8)
Oh the mystery ....whats under my kitchen sink? Here is what I found under my kitchen sink:
Vinager distilled
Tea tree oil conditioner
Pantne shampoo
Wood cleaner
Garbage bags
Under my bathroom sink:
Epsom salt and clorox bleach
Vinager distilled
Tea tree oil conditioner
Pantne shampoo
Wood cleaner
Garbage bags
Under my bathroom sink:
Epsom salt and clorox bleach
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