Friday, January 24, 2014

Transitional Metal of the Week

Transitional Metal of the Week is "CU" also known as COPPER.

My first thought of copper can get $3.00 a pound and its a great conductor of electricity.
Copper is a chemical element with a symbol Cu and its atomic number is 29. It is also a trace dietary mineral used in the respiratory enzymes. According to some medical research health benefits of copper include proper growth of the body, efficient utilization of iron, proper enzymatic reactions, as well as improved health of connective tissues, hair, and eyes. Copper is also important for preventing premature aging and increasing energy production. Apart from these, regulated heart rhythm, balanced thyroid glands, reduced symptoms of arthritis, quick wound healing, increased red blood cell formation, and reduced cholesterol are other health benefits of copper. I hear that some cultures use it for bracelets to help with arthritic joints. I used Copper for about 6 months for birth control. For some reason it creates an environment that sperm dislike, but the problem was that it caused me to bleed very  heavy during menstruation. Ohhh yes copper is used when making Pennies!!!

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