Wednesday, May 28, 2014

Physics week 3

A person can just walk past a complete stranger and determine if you get a good vibe. A person can feel someone emotional pain with out them expressing themself.  Everyone processes this ability but only few use it or want to. This is a form of connecting.

I beleive that unforeseen circumstances happen to all of us. I also believe that Gods holy spirit ...his active force...he uses to cause things to happen. In addition the mind is very powerful, what we think effects our body, organs,  relationships and the kind of people that are attracted to us

Physics week 2



According to Heisenberg principle. It depends on what we are trying to see. We can be experiencing some form of trial or tribulation. We can look at it in a negative way or a positive way.

Is the universe weird? No, its absolutely amazing. There is so much to learn, yet we dont even know a small percentage. When you think of how small the earth is compared to the sun and the sun compared to galaxies.'s pretty mind blowing.

Physics week 1

Time is a concept that varies in relation to how people view, value or see it. Time to humans is totally different to time according to the universe. In the bible it mentions that 1,000 years to humans is a day to God.

In American culture it's all about work and being on time. In many countries of Africa if they say come at 4pm, being on time would mean you arrive between 4pm and 4:59pm. In latin countries they take siestas and focus on enjoying life with family and friends.

Time is valuable do what you love. Enjoy!

Thursday, May 22, 2014

My thoughts on evo devo. Biology week 2

My goal is not to belittle or put down those who believe in evolution, but it is to reason with them. Ask thought provoking questions. So evo devo theory believes that groups or organisms over time change species. I would have to disagree. They can not change species but can create different variations of that species (the bible mentions this also). Below I will share some facts that lead me to this statement.

Evolution says- life envolved from non life by chance chemical evolution or spontaneous generation

Creations says- life comes only from previous life originally created by an intelligent creator

Facts as found in the real world- life comes only from previous life also no way to form complex genetic code by chance

Next one...........

Evolution says- fossils should show first simple life forms orgrinating gradually second transitional forms linking previous ones

The creation  says - fossils should show first complex forms suddenly appearing in great variety , second gaps seperating major kinds no linking forms

Facts as found in real world- fossils show sudden appearance of complex life in great variety , second each new kind separate from previous kinds no linking forms

Next one........

Evo says- new kinds arising gradually, beginnings of incomplete bones and organs in various transitional stages

Creations says- no new kinds gradually appearing, no incomplete bones or organs, but all parts are completely formed

Facts as found in the real world- no new kinds gradually appearing although many varieties, no incompletely formed bones or organs

Next one................

Evo says- mutations net results benefical, generate new features

Creations says- mutations harmful to complex life , do not result in anything new

Facts as found in real world- small mutations harmful, large ones lethal, never result in anything new

Next one..................................

Evo says- appearance of man maybe 200k to a million years ago

Creation says- appearance of man 6000 years ago

Facts as found in the real world says - oldest written records date back to only 5000 years

After reading the above thnik about this.......What fits the facts?

When we compare what has been found in the real world to what evolution predicates and to what creation predicts, is it not apparent which fits the fact and which conflicts?

The evidence from the world of living things around us and from the fossil record of things that lived long ago testifies to the same conclusion. ........LIFE WAS CREATED, IT DIDN'T EVOLVE!

How does Darwinism matter to me? Biology week 2

People who believe in evolution would tell you that billions of years ago life started deep in the ocean. That chemicals spontaneously assembled into bubble like structures and formed molecules.  They believe life started on accident. Darwin himself was fascinated by the way traits were passed alnong from one generation to the nxt, but he knew little about laws of genetics and even less about mechanics with in the cell that govern heredity. But now we know its dna, but where did these instructions come from?

What does the holy book the bibe say? ?......which finished being writtn over 2000 years ago. It says that the formation of our different body parts and even the timing of their fromation involves a figurative book that orginates with God. King David inspired to write  saying of God...."your eyes saw even the embryomof me, and in your book all its parts were down in writing as regards the days were down in writing as regards the days when they were formed and there was not yet one among them - Psalm 139:16

When looking at DNA how could such writing come about with out a writer, such programming with out a programmer?

Has life desended froma common ancestor? Darwin thought so. He believed thr tree of life. New species branched from the trunk. Many researches have proven this wrong or unscientific. Given the controversy our pillar of Darwin theory, can his version of evolution honestly be referred to as scientific fact? First all living organisms have similar designed DNA, could this similarity exist, not because they had the same ancestor, but because they had the same designer?

Some scientist realize that the rejection of God is a path paved, not by hard evidence and logic, but hopeful assumptions and conjectures. The world is much more complicated than explained by science, but yet the bible has numerous scientific facts despite the fact it was completed over 2000 years ago before man discovered ....some facts the bible mentiones: baterica, dna, the earth is round and hanging upon nothing,  a little wine is good for stomach, our emotions affect our organ health, benefits of being with one sexual partner (risk of numerous partner increase hpv and cervical cancer in women) ....the list goes on. I could go on for days why I or you can trust and have faith in the Bible. It answer many questions we have today. Many people just dont look to it or understand it. I volunteer every month and teach people what the bible really teaches and I LOVE IT! :).....SO when I hear of the claims of evolution it makes my stomach quench. ?.its like if I took an entire month to prepare a report, turned it in and my teacher tell me that I didnt write it, but the paper and pen evolved and wrote it....I would be HOT.

Friday, May 16, 2014

My thoughts on sex can ease stress for up to a week. Biology week 1

I was not suprised about the results of this research. The cuddling hormone oxytocin that is released after having sex makes you calm and it revitlizes. Sex is a wonderful gift in a marriage.  More sex less stress or at least it helps you to better cope.