Thursday, May 22, 2014

My thoughts on evo devo. Biology week 2

My goal is not to belittle or put down those who believe in evolution, but it is to reason with them. Ask thought provoking questions. So evo devo theory believes that groups or organisms over time change species. I would have to disagree. They can not change species but can create different variations of that species (the bible mentions this also). Below I will share some facts that lead me to this statement.

Evolution says- life envolved from non life by chance chemical evolution or spontaneous generation

Creations says- life comes only from previous life originally created by an intelligent creator

Facts as found in the real world- life comes only from previous life also no way to form complex genetic code by chance

Next one...........

Evolution says- fossils should show first simple life forms orgrinating gradually second transitional forms linking previous ones

The creation  says - fossils should show first complex forms suddenly appearing in great variety , second gaps seperating major kinds no linking forms

Facts as found in real world- fossils show sudden appearance of complex life in great variety , second each new kind separate from previous kinds no linking forms

Next one........

Evo says- new kinds arising gradually, beginnings of incomplete bones and organs in various transitional stages

Creations says- no new kinds gradually appearing, no incomplete bones or organs, but all parts are completely formed

Facts as found in the real world- no new kinds gradually appearing although many varieties, no incompletely formed bones or organs

Next one................

Evo says- mutations net results benefical, generate new features

Creations says- mutations harmful to complex life , do not result in anything new

Facts as found in real world- small mutations harmful, large ones lethal, never result in anything new

Next one..................................

Evo says- appearance of man maybe 200k to a million years ago

Creation says- appearance of man 6000 years ago

Facts as found in the real world says - oldest written records date back to only 5000 years

After reading the above thnik about this.......What fits the facts?

When we compare what has been found in the real world to what evolution predicates and to what creation predicts, is it not apparent which fits the fact and which conflicts?

The evidence from the world of living things around us and from the fossil record of things that lived long ago testifies to the same conclusion. ........LIFE WAS CREATED, IT DIDN'T EVOLVE!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Gazania, I surely am no authority on Evolution or Creation, as it has never really been a topic dear to me. However, I do believe that it isn't necessarily an 'either or' situation. I believe it may be possible for science and creationism to both be right. And when I say 'creationism', I mean to say the spiritual philosophy of all religions. To me, there is clearly something greater than what we see and feel with our human senses. But, I don't think that means that evolution cannot be true. I guess I believe there is space for more than one 'truth' in this universe.
