1. What do you think about the eight point deep ecology platform?
I believe this can be effective if everyone actually followed it. It makes great points. I really like this point" Appreciating life quality rather than adhering to increasing higher standard of living". We all just really need to live simple, take what we need, and enjoy our love ones.
2. Can you explain why ecosystems are both strong and fragile?
Strong because it supports so many living things, fragile because just one tiny change can totally mess up its delicate intricate system.
3. How would you assess the end goals of social Ecology?
All organization but especially high organizations, governments and businesses need to abide by strict laws and by law seek certified ecologist (what ever they are called) and make plans and arrangements according to their consults. It needs to happen on the top and work its way down for it to be effective. The complexity of relationships between people, business and nature needs to be emphasized, along with the importance of establishing more mutualistic social structures.
I agree with you on the eight principle ecology platform. But I do not think most people will be willing to try to live simply. We can all only do our best to do our part