1. What do you think about the eight point deep ecology platform?
I believe this can be effective if everyone actually followed it. It makes great points. I really like this point" Appreciating life quality rather than adhering to increasing higher standard of living". We all just really need to live simple, take what we need, and enjoy our love ones.
2. Can you explain why ecosystems are both strong and fragile?
Strong because it supports so many living things, fragile because just one tiny change can totally mess up its delicate intricate system.
3. How would you assess the end goals of social Ecology?
All organization but especially high organizations, governments and businesses need to abide by strict laws and by law seek certified ecologist (what ever they are called) and make plans and arrangements according to their consults. It needs to happen on the top and work its way down for it to be effective. The complexity of relationships between people, business and nature needs to be emphasized, along with the importance of establishing more mutualistic social structures.
Wednesday, July 23, 2014
Biology week of July 23
1. How would you prioritize the reintroduction of American Bison?
* Make a point to teach it in schools and have kids do a required report on them
* Fund a documentary that would air on prime tv like ABC ...that would explain the history and the help needed to reintroduce them
* create more sanctuaries for them and let them be free and natural in their surroundings
2. In your view, what more should we be doing about global warming?
That's the problem humans mess up things and than try to to fix it. Actually if they left nature alone it would reset it self and come back into balance. Humans or the portion that mess it up need to learn to live in harmony with the earth, live simple. But humans are not capable of directing their own steps they need guidance from a higher being, the being that created them, GOD. Humans think they know everything, but the bible gives principles and guidance for a reason and when we ignore them we see the consequences.
* Make a point to teach it in schools and have kids do a required report on them
* Fund a documentary that would air on prime tv like ABC ...that would explain the history and the help needed to reintroduce them
* create more sanctuaries for them and let them be free and natural in their surroundings
2. In your view, what more should we be doing about global warming?
That's the problem humans mess up things and than try to to fix it. Actually if they left nature alone it would reset it self and come back into balance. Humans or the portion that mess it up need to learn to live in harmony with the earth, live simple. But humans are not capable of directing their own steps they need guidance from a higher being, the being that created them, GOD. Humans think they know everything, but the bible gives principles and guidance for a reason and when we ignore them we see the consequences.
Monday, July 14, 2014
Eastern and Western Perception on the concept of Time
Eastern and Western Perception on the concept of Time

Physics Summer Class 2014
Time is not the same in every culture or country. China’s concept of time is a circular concept and Americans is a linear concept. Americans thought of time is past, present and future. Eastern cultures tend to look back in time or focus in the past.
Since I am studying Traditional Chinese Medicine it will benefit me to understand the difference between Western and Eastern concept of time. After reading the handout given in physics and a little research I found out the following.
Western View
Western view of time is time is money. Time is a commodity real value. Time can be measured and lost. American culture insist we keep up with the times, look to the future, history is not important…work hard now and be successful…new is better than old…change means progress. Americans are more innovative and Chinese tend to stick to traditions and what works.
Eastern View
Eastern society uses time more freely or with uncertainty. They quote old sayings frequently. Solve problems by first examining the past to find solutions. Chinese honor and respect the elderly and value their company and wisdom, while American culture tends to view the old as useless and want to have them retire from work as they age. Chinese Acupuncturist seem to never retire. They can be 87 years old and still practicing.
Definition of Cultural Time concepts
Polychromic Time:
“Polychronic cultures like to do multiple things at the same time. People are their main concern (particularly those closely related to them or their function) and they have a tendency to build lifetime relationships. Issues such as promptness are firmly based on the relationship rather than the task and objectives are more like desirable outcomes than must do's.
Monochromioc Time:
“Monochronic cultures like to do just one thing at a time. They value a certain orderliness and sense of there being an appropriate time and place for everything. They do not value interruptions. They like to concentrate on the job at hand and take time commitments very seriously.”
My Viewpoint
Each cultural view of time has its pros and cons. I really appreciate Eastern value of the elderly and their wisdom. In addition, in moving toward the future with developments, Westerners are great at planning for the future and meeting deadlines. Eastern focus on the process and Westerners focus importance in getting it done on the deadline. Both eastern and westerners need to be aware cultural difference in time and implement some of each others concepts of time. This will allow us to be more effective in communication and working together in business or projects
Sunday, June 22, 2014
physics week 6
1. Are all vibrations good?
Natural Earth vibrations are good
2. Resonance in my world
I live near bart and a train railroad. I have come accustom to the sound of bart sometimes it is soothing. However, the train is a bit annoying. I read a research paper that said people who live near airplanes runways or trains tend to have a increase of folks with high blood pressure.
3. Connections I can make between energy and qi?
When I get acupuncture and the acupuncturist turns the needle I feel like I am connected to an electrical outlet. I feel energize or more relaxed. Qi is the body's energy. Our body is matter and qi is energy
Natural Earth vibrations are good
2. Resonance in my world
I live near bart and a train railroad. I have come accustom to the sound of bart sometimes it is soothing. However, the train is a bit annoying. I read a research paper that said people who live near airplanes runways or trains tend to have a increase of folks with high blood pressure.
3. Connections I can make between energy and qi?
When I get acupuncture and the acupuncturist turns the needle I feel like I am connected to an electrical outlet. I feel energize or more relaxed. Qi is the body's energy. Our body is matter and qi is energy
Tuesday, June 17, 2014
An Experimental Physicist Explains His Faith (As a youth, he believed in evolution, but later he concluded that life was created. )
An Experimental Physicist Explains His Faith
WENLONG HE first studied physics in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province, China. He helps edit an international journal of technology and has had dozens of papers published in scientific literature. At present, Wenlong He works for Scotland’s University of Strathclyde. As a youth, he believed in evolution, but later he concluded that life was created.
Tell us about your background.
I was born in 1963 and grew up in China, in a village south of the Yangtze River in Jiangsu Province. It is a subtropical area famous for its food production, so it is often called the land of rice and fish. As a child, I used to wonder: ‘Why does nature provide so many tasty foods? Did they come about by chance? Which came first—the chicken or the egg?’ Atheism is predominant in China, so at school I was taught about evolution.
What about your family?
My parents were atheists. My mother did farm work, while my father worked as an architect and established a construction company. I’m the eldest of their five sons. Sadly, two of my brothers died young. That caused me much grief, and I wondered: ‘Why do people die? Will I ever see my brothers again?’
Why did you study science?
I wanted to study physics because I was intrigued by the natural world and I thought physics might answer the questions that had intrigued me since childhood.
What is your field of research?
I explore ways of accelerating charged particles to speeds close to the speed of light. I do this to study the structure of atoms. I also investigate how to generate high-power radiation with a frequency between that of microwave and infrared radiation. Although my research has commercial value, it is also linked to efforts to understand how the universe began.
How did you become interested in the Bible?
In 1998, two of Jehovah’s Witnesses visited my home. They offered to show me the Bible’s answers to my questions. My wife, Huabi, who is also a research scientist, joined us. We had never seen a Bible before, but we were impressed by its practical advice. We noticed how the Witness couple who visited us benefited by applying Bible principles. They were happy and enjoyed an uncomplicated way of life. But what the Bible says about God set me to wondering again whether the universe could have been created. As a physicist, my job is to understand nature. So I decided to give the facts some careful thought.
What facts did you consider?
First, I knew that a closed system cannot become more organized or remain organized unless acted upon by an external agent. That is the second law of thermodynamics. Since the universe and life on earth are highly ordered, I concluded that they must be products of an external agent, a Creator. The second fact was that the universe and the earth seem to be specifically designed to support life.
What evidence of design did you see?
Practically all life on earth depends on energy from the sun. This energy travels through space as radiation. It comes to earth in a vast spectrum of wavelengths. The shortest are the lethal gamma rays. Then come X-rays, ultraviolet rays, visible light, infrared, microwaves, and the longest of all, radio waves. Remarkably, our atmosphere blocks much harmful radiation while allowing other needed radiation to reach the earth’s surface.
Why did that fact impress you?
I was intrigued by the introduction to the Bible’s creation account and its reference to light. It states: “God said: ‘Let there be light.’ Then there was light.”* Only a very narrow band of the vast spectrum of solar radiation is visible light, but light is vital for life. Plants need it to produce food, and we need light to see. The atmosphere’s special transparency to light cannot be a coincidence. Even more remarkable is the tiny amount of ultraviolet light that reaches the earth’s surface.
Why is that significant?
Some ultraviolet radiation is critical. We need a small amount of it on our skin to produce vitamin D, which is vital for bone health and evidently for protection from cancer and other diseases. However, too much of this particular radiation causes skin cancer and eye cataracts. In its natural state, the atmosphere allows only a tiny amount of this ultraviolet radiation to reach the earth’s surface—and it is just the right amount. For me, that is evidence that someone designed the earth to sustain life.
Gradually Huabi and I became convinced that there is a Creator and that he inspired the Bible. In 2005, we became Jehovah’s Witnesses, and now we share in teaching the Bible to others.
Copied From: Jw.org
Sunday, June 8, 2014
Biology week 4
Humans tend to come to the conclusion that animals are not intelligent but purely motivated by instinct. They have conducted studies that prove their intelligence, but seen through humans cultural lens. Also humans only use like 5% of their brains so currently the animals may be smarter than us.....lol.
Wednesday, May 28, 2014
Physics week 3
A person can just walk past a complete stranger and determine if you get a good vibe. A person can feel someone emotional pain with out them expressing themself. Everyone processes this ability but only few use it or want to. This is a form of connecting.
I beleive that unforeseen circumstances happen to all of us. I also believe that Gods holy spirit ...his active force...he uses to cause things to happen. In addition the mind is very powerful, what we think effects our body, organs, relationships and the kind of people that are attracted to us
I beleive that unforeseen circumstances happen to all of us. I also believe that Gods holy spirit ...his active force...he uses to cause things to happen. In addition the mind is very powerful, what we think effects our body, organs, relationships and the kind of people that are attracted to us
Physics week 2
According to Heisenberg principle. It depends on what we are trying to see. We can be experiencing some form of trial or tribulation. We can look at it in a negative way or a positive way.
Is the universe weird? No, its absolutely amazing. There is so much to learn, yet we dont even know a small percentage. When you think of how small the earth is compared to the sun and the sun compared to galaxies. ......it's pretty mind blowing.
According to Heisenberg principle. It depends on what we are trying to see. We can be experiencing some form of trial or tribulation. We can look at it in a negative way or a positive way.
Is the universe weird? No, its absolutely amazing. There is so much to learn, yet we dont even know a small percentage. When you think of how small the earth is compared to the sun and the sun compared to galaxies. ......it's pretty mind blowing.
Physics week 1
Time is a concept that varies in relation to how people view, value or see it. Time to humans is totally different to time according to the universe. In the bible it mentions that 1,000 years to humans is a day to God.
In American culture it's all about work and being on time. In many countries of Africa if they say come at 4pm, being on time would mean you arrive between 4pm and 4:59pm. In latin countries they take siestas and focus on enjoying life with family and friends.
Time is valuable do what you love. Enjoy!
In American culture it's all about work and being on time. In many countries of Africa if they say come at 4pm, being on time would mean you arrive between 4pm and 4:59pm. In latin countries they take siestas and focus on enjoying life with family and friends.
Time is valuable do what you love. Enjoy!
Thursday, May 22, 2014
My thoughts on evo devo. Biology week 2
My goal is not to belittle or put down those who believe in evolution, but it is to reason with them. Ask thought provoking questions. So evo devo theory believes that groups or organisms over time change species. I would have to disagree. They can not change species but can create different variations of that species (the bible mentions this also). Below I will share some facts that lead me to this statement.
Evolution says- life envolved from non life by chance chemical evolution or spontaneous generation
Creations says- life comes only from previous life originally created by an intelligent creator
Facts as found in the real world- life comes only from previous life also no way to form complex genetic code by chance
Next one...........
Evolution says- fossils should show first simple life forms orgrinating gradually second transitional forms linking previous ones
The creation says - fossils should show first complex forms suddenly appearing in great variety , second gaps seperating major kinds no linking forms
Facts as found in real world- fossils show sudden appearance of complex life in great variety , second each new kind separate from previous kinds no linking forms
Next one........
Evo says- new kinds arising gradually, beginnings of incomplete bones and organs in various transitional stages
Creations says- no new kinds gradually appearing, no incomplete bones or organs, but all parts are completely formed
Facts as found in the real world- no new kinds gradually appearing although many varieties, no incompletely formed bones or organs
Next one................
Evo says- mutations net results benefical, generate new features
Creations says- mutations harmful to complex life , do not result in anything new
Facts as found in real world- small mutations harmful, large ones lethal, never result in anything new
Next one..................................
Evo says- appearance of man maybe 200k to a million years ago
Creation says- appearance of man 6000 years ago
Facts as found in the real world says - oldest written records date back to only 5000 years
After reading the above thnik about this.......What fits the facts?
When we compare what has been found in the real world to what evolution predicates and to what creation predicts, is it not apparent which fits the fact and which conflicts?
The evidence from the world of living things around us and from the fossil record of things that lived long ago testifies to the same conclusion. ........LIFE WAS CREATED, IT DIDN'T EVOLVE!
Evolution says- life envolved from non life by chance chemical evolution or spontaneous generation
Creations says- life comes only from previous life originally created by an intelligent creator
Facts as found in the real world- life comes only from previous life also no way to form complex genetic code by chance
Next one...........
Evolution says- fossils should show first simple life forms orgrinating gradually second transitional forms linking previous ones
The creation says - fossils should show first complex forms suddenly appearing in great variety , second gaps seperating major kinds no linking forms
Facts as found in real world- fossils show sudden appearance of complex life in great variety , second each new kind separate from previous kinds no linking forms
Next one........
Evo says- new kinds arising gradually, beginnings of incomplete bones and organs in various transitional stages
Creations says- no new kinds gradually appearing, no incomplete bones or organs, but all parts are completely formed
Facts as found in the real world- no new kinds gradually appearing although many varieties, no incompletely formed bones or organs
Next one................
Evo says- mutations net results benefical, generate new features
Creations says- mutations harmful to complex life , do not result in anything new
Facts as found in real world- small mutations harmful, large ones lethal, never result in anything new
Next one..................................
Evo says- appearance of man maybe 200k to a million years ago
Creation says- appearance of man 6000 years ago
Facts as found in the real world says - oldest written records date back to only 5000 years
After reading the above thnik about this.......What fits the facts?
When we compare what has been found in the real world to what evolution predicates and to what creation predicts, is it not apparent which fits the fact and which conflicts?
The evidence from the world of living things around us and from the fossil record of things that lived long ago testifies to the same conclusion. ........LIFE WAS CREATED, IT DIDN'T EVOLVE!
How does Darwinism matter to me? Biology week 2
People who believe in evolution would tell you that billions of years ago life started deep in the ocean. That chemicals spontaneously assembled into bubble like structures and formed molecules. They believe life started on accident. Darwin himself was fascinated by the way traits were passed alnong from one generation to the nxt, but he knew little about laws of genetics and even less about mechanics with in the cell that govern heredity. But now we know its dna, but where did these instructions come from?
What does the holy book the bibe say? ?......which finished being writtn over 2000 years ago. It says that the formation of our different body parts and even the timing of their fromation involves a figurative book that orginates with God. King David inspired to write saying of God...."your eyes saw even the embryomof me, and in your book all its parts were down in writing as regards the days were down in writing as regards the days when they were formed and there was not yet one among them - Psalm 139:16
When looking at DNA how could such writing come about with out a writer, such programming with out a programmer?
Has life desended froma common ancestor? Darwin thought so. He believed thr tree of life. New species branched from the trunk. Many researches have proven this wrong or unscientific. Given the controversy our pillar of Darwin theory, can his version of evolution honestly be referred to as scientific fact? First all living organisms have similar designed DNA, could this similarity exist, not because they had the same ancestor, but because they had the same designer?
Some scientist realize that the rejection of God is a path paved, not by hard evidence and logic, but hopeful assumptions and conjectures. The world is much more complicated than explained by science, but yet the bible has numerous scientific facts despite the fact it was completed over 2000 years ago before man discovered ....some facts the bible mentiones: baterica, dna, the earth is round and hanging upon nothing, a little wine is good for stomach, our emotions affect our organ health, benefits of being with one sexual partner (risk of numerous partner increase hpv and cervical cancer in women) ....the list goes on. I could go on for days why I or you can trust and have faith in the Bible. It answer many questions we have today. Many people just dont look to it or understand it. I volunteer every month and teach people what the bible really teaches and I LOVE IT! :).....SO when I hear of the claims of evolution it makes my stomach quench. ?.its like if I took an entire month to prepare a report, turned it in and my teacher tell me that I didnt write it, but the paper and pen evolved and wrote it....I would be HOT.
What does the holy book the bibe say? ?......which finished being writtn over 2000 years ago. It says that the formation of our different body parts and even the timing of their fromation involves a figurative book that orginates with God. King David inspired to write saying of God...."your eyes saw even the embryomof me, and in your book all its parts were down in writing as regards the days were down in writing as regards the days when they were formed and there was not yet one among them - Psalm 139:16
When looking at DNA how could such writing come about with out a writer, such programming with out a programmer?
Has life desended froma common ancestor? Darwin thought so. He believed thr tree of life. New species branched from the trunk. Many researches have proven this wrong or unscientific. Given the controversy our pillar of Darwin theory, can his version of evolution honestly be referred to as scientific fact? First all living organisms have similar designed DNA, could this similarity exist, not because they had the same ancestor, but because they had the same designer?
Some scientist realize that the rejection of God is a path paved, not by hard evidence and logic, but hopeful assumptions and conjectures. The world is much more complicated than explained by science, but yet the bible has numerous scientific facts despite the fact it was completed over 2000 years ago before man discovered ....some facts the bible mentiones: baterica, dna, the earth is round and hanging upon nothing, a little wine is good for stomach, our emotions affect our organ health, benefits of being with one sexual partner (risk of numerous partner increase hpv and cervical cancer in women) ....the list goes on. I could go on for days why I or you can trust and have faith in the Bible. It answer many questions we have today. Many people just dont look to it or understand it. I volunteer every month and teach people what the bible really teaches and I LOVE IT! :).....SO when I hear of the claims of evolution it makes my stomach quench. ?.its like if I took an entire month to prepare a report, turned it in and my teacher tell me that I didnt write it, but the paper and pen evolved and wrote it....I would be HOT.
Friday, May 16, 2014
My thoughts on sex can ease stress for up to a week. Biology week 1
I was not suprised about the results of this research. The cuddling hormone oxytocin that is released after having sex makes you calm and it revitlizes. Sex is a wonderful gift in a marriage. More sex less stress or at least it helps you to better cope.
Tuesday, April 15, 2014
Week 14
Artificial intelligence topic- I think that it is good for us to be inventive. If nobody decided to create something or try new things we would not have the sophisticated technology we have today. We all benefit from the computer, internet, cars, hvac, light bulbs, etc. In addition to innovation we have human error or mistakes. Sadly from all things we make that benefit us most times there are side effects. Before a project all aspects need to be weighed on how it will affect the earth and its precious inhabitants.
My review of:
Dolphins are complex just like humans. This article explores their intelligence, emotion and cognitive ability. Dolphins are similar to humans...should humans be locked up in a tank or cage? I thought this was a good read.
My review of:
Debunking Captivity: 3 Reasons Not to Keep Dolphins in a Tank
http://newswatch.nationalgeographic.com/2014/04/08/debunking-captivity-3-reasons-not-to-keep-dolphins-in-a-tank/Dolphins are complex just like humans. This article explores their intelligence, emotion and cognitive ability. Dolphins are similar to humans...should humans be locked up in a tank or cage? I thought this was a good read.
Our emotions and the correlation to our organs- A Traditional Chinese Medicine, Biblical and Western perspective
Our emotions and the correlation to our organs-
A Traditional Chinese Medicine, Biblical and Western perspective
By: Gazania McCoy -Washington

Many people are familiar with the saying, "you are what you eat", but what
about "you are what you think". What goes on in our mind has a great effect
on the body. Thoughts and emotions affect all organs and systems of the
human body: nervous, immune, hormonal, circulatory, and reproductive. In
my report I want to explore briefly TCM perspective, western view and
knowledge from the bible that mentions the connection between emotions
and organ health.
"The seven basic emotional related to organ function anger, joy, worry,
pensiveness, sadness, fear, and shock (fright)". Imbalance of these emotions
can affect organ function. Example: prolonged anger lead to imbalance liver
and liver imbalance symptoms of anger. Anger causes imbalance to the liver.
Joy to Heart, Worry to Spleen, Pensiveness to Spleen, Sadness to Lungs,
Fear to Kidneys, Shock to Heart & Kidneys.
Emotional well being is vital part of health. Having these emotions are part of
the normal human experience, but the Problem is when our emotions
become excessive or repressed. Sometimes our organ may be out of
balance and produce emotional imbalance, which gives us the emotions
mentioned above.

Our happiness is important for our health. Uncontrolled emotions can disrupt
vital energy qi and weaken the immune system. Zhang zi he (1156 -1228)
discovered that when emotions come suddenly, or you hang on to them too
long, it upsets the energy flow threw your meridians, make you sick.
The chart below shows what each emotion can do to the body internally.
“Total Chinese Health” page 45
Emotion Internal climate
Joy Heat
Anger Wind, fire, heat
Fear Cold
Worry Dampness
Sadness. Dryness
The important organ of the body whose chief function is to pump the blood to
nourish the body cells.
Leviticus 17:14 “For the life* of every sort of flesh is its blood, because the life* is in it. “
The Heart is prominent in the scriptures, its mentioned 1,000 times.
Safeguard your heart the whole inner person for out of it are the sources of
life. In the bible when the heart is mentioned with mind it refers to the
emotions, desires, feelings of the inner person.
Proverbs 14:30- “A calm heart is the life of the fleshly organism.”
Proverbs 17:22-"A heart that is joyful does as a curer" (king Solomon 3000 years ago).
Journal of the American college of cardiology stated "current findings suggest
harmful association between anger and hostility and coronary heart disease."
The Journal notes "successful prevention and treatments of CHD might
involve not only conventional, physical and pharmaceutical therapies, but
also psychological management focusing on anger and hostility". Simply put,
a calm heart fosters good health just like the bible and TCM say. Dr. Derek
Cox a health official in Scotland said in a BBC report "If you are happy you
are likely in the future to have less in the way of physical illness than those
who are unhappy.

Anxiety can be damaging to one’s well-being. It can lead to depression,
robbing one of strength and the initiative to act. Says the inspired proverb:
“Anxious care in the heart of a man is what will cause it to bow down.”
Proverbs 12:25- “Anxiety in a man’s heart weighs it down,
But a good word cheers it up.”
There can be serious physical manifestations from worry. Observes the book
How to Master Your Nerves: “Doctors know how anxiety can affect the body’s
functions. It can raise (or lower) blood pressure; it can elevate the white blood
cell count; it can suddenly affect the blood sugar by the action of adrenalin on
the liver. It can even change your electrocardiogram. Dr. Charles Mayo said:
‘Worry affects the circulation, the heart, the glands, the whole nervous
Traditional western medicine believe that emotions affect our health. Doctors
have pondered the connection between our mental and physical health for
centuries. In early Western medicine they believed that emotions were linked
to disease and prescribe that people relax and visit a spa when they were
sick. Eventually emotions were no longer the causes of illness, but bacteria
or toxins. So new treatments like antibiotics cured illness.
They have been revisiting the links between stress and health. Today,
Western medicine accepts that there is a powerful mind-body connection
through which emotional, mental, social, spiritual, and behavioral factors can
directly affect our health.

Living with fear is highly stressful. It often leads to depression and can ruin a
person’s health. “Stress suppresses the immune system and is a contributing
factor in most diseases,” explains a Western health magazine. “The body will
develop symptoms of wear and tear, especially on the organs involved.
Hypertension, heart disease, kidney disease, gastrointestinal disorders,
ulcers, headaches, insomnia, depression, and anxiety can develop.”
Traditional Chinese Medicine is spot on with the emotion and organ
connection. My mom has kidney failure and prior to getting the official
diagnosis she would seem to have extreme panic attacks and fear of almost
everything. TCM is ahead of time regarding diagnosing the body and
identifying issues to help prevent or improving the body.
Western Medicine also has identified an important factor when it comes to
illness. They have discovered how to treat bacteria and toxins. Its good that
recently they are revisiting the idea of Mind-body connection. Personally I
have noticed a change in visiting my primary care doctor. My doctor asks me
what’s going on in my life and how I am feeling. Also they are encouraging
me to exercise and purchase food from the farmers market they have on
Biblical is fact. I believe that the bible was written by our Creator. Our creator
knows us best. When we experience problems or have questions we can
always find facts, truths or principles to live by. I have noticed that TCM and
Western medicine advocates many things that the bible mentions.
We all want to be happy and have a balanced emotional health. I love these
scriptures that tell us how we can achieve TRUE happiness in our life, which
in turn can help us have a healthier mind, body and soul.
Matthew 5:3 - "Happy are those conscious of their spiritual needs,"
Matthew 5:7- "Happy are the merciful,"
Matthew 5:8-" Happy are the pure in heart,"
Matthew 5:9- "Happy are the peacemakers."
Psalms 144:15 - “Happy are the people whose God is Jehovah”

How to Master Your Nerves (Book)
Total Chinese Health (Book)
A Traditional Chinese Medicine, Biblical and Western perspective
By: Gazania McCoy -Washington

Many people are familiar with the saying, "you are what you eat", but what
about "you are what you think". What goes on in our mind has a great effect
on the body. Thoughts and emotions affect all organs and systems of the
human body: nervous, immune, hormonal, circulatory, and reproductive. In
my report I want to explore briefly TCM perspective, western view and
knowledge from the bible that mentions the connection between emotions
and organ health.
Traditional Chinese Medicine
"The seven basic emotional related to organ function anger, joy, worry,
pensiveness, sadness, fear, and shock (fright)". Imbalance of these emotions
can affect organ function. Example: prolonged anger lead to imbalance liver
and liver imbalance symptoms of anger. Anger causes imbalance to the liver.
Joy to Heart, Worry to Spleen, Pensiveness to Spleen, Sadness to Lungs,
Fear to Kidneys, Shock to Heart & Kidneys.
Emotional well being is vital part of health. Having these emotions are part of
the normal human experience, but the Problem is when our emotions
become excessive or repressed. Sometimes our organ may be out of
balance and produce emotional imbalance, which gives us the emotions
mentioned above.

Our happiness is important for our health. Uncontrolled emotions can disrupt
vital energy qi and weaken the immune system. Zhang zi he (1156 -1228)
discovered that when emotions come suddenly, or you hang on to them too
long, it upsets the energy flow threw your meridians, make you sick.
The chart below shows what each emotion can do to the body internally.
“Total Chinese Health” page 45
Emotion Internal climate
Joy Heat
Anger Wind, fire, heat
Fear Cold
Worry Dampness
Sadness. Dryness
The HeartThe important organ of the body whose chief function is to pump the blood to
nourish the body cells.
Leviticus 17:14 “For the life* of every sort of flesh is its blood, because the life* is in it. “
The Heart is prominent in the scriptures, its mentioned 1,000 times.
Safeguard your heart the whole inner person for out of it are the sources of
life. In the bible when the heart is mentioned with mind it refers to the
emotions, desires, feelings of the inner person.
Proverbs 14:30- “A calm heart is the life of the fleshly organism.”
Proverbs 17:22-"A heart that is joyful does as a curer" (king Solomon 3000 years ago).
Journal of the American college of cardiology stated "current findings suggest
harmful association between anger and hostility and coronary heart disease."
The Journal notes "successful prevention and treatments of CHD might
involve not only conventional, physical and pharmaceutical therapies, but
also psychological management focusing on anger and hostility". Simply put,
a calm heart fosters good health just like the bible and TCM say. Dr. Derek
Cox a health official in Scotland said in a BBC report "If you are happy you
are likely in the future to have less in the way of physical illness than those
who are unhappy.

Anxiety can be damaging to one’s well-being. It can lead to depression,
robbing one of strength and the initiative to act. Says the inspired proverb:
“Anxious care in the heart of a man is what will cause it to bow down.”
Proverbs 12:25- “Anxiety in a man’s heart weighs it down,
But a good word cheers it up.”
There can be serious physical manifestations from worry. Observes the book
How to Master Your Nerves: “Doctors know how anxiety can affect the body’s
functions. It can raise (or lower) blood pressure; it can elevate the white blood
cell count; it can suddenly affect the blood sugar by the action of adrenalin on
the liver. It can even change your electrocardiogram. Dr. Charles Mayo said:
‘Worry affects the circulation, the heart, the glands, the whole nervous
Traditional western medicine believe that emotions affect our health. Doctors
have pondered the connection between our mental and physical health for
centuries. In early Western medicine they believed that emotions were linked
to disease and prescribe that people relax and visit a spa when they were
sick. Eventually emotions were no longer the causes of illness, but bacteria
or toxins. So new treatments like antibiotics cured illness.
They have been revisiting the links between stress and health. Today,
Western medicine accepts that there is a powerful mind-body connection
through which emotional, mental, social, spiritual, and behavioral factors can
directly affect our health.

Living with fear is highly stressful. It often leads to depression and can ruin a
person’s health. “Stress suppresses the immune system and is a contributing
factor in most diseases,” explains a Western health magazine. “The body will
develop symptoms of wear and tear, especially on the organs involved.
Hypertension, heart disease, kidney disease, gastrointestinal disorders,
ulcers, headaches, insomnia, depression, and anxiety can develop.”
Traditional Chinese Medicine is spot on with the emotion and organ
connection. My mom has kidney failure and prior to getting the official
diagnosis she would seem to have extreme panic attacks and fear of almost
everything. TCM is ahead of time regarding diagnosing the body and
identifying issues to help prevent or improving the body.
Western Medicine also has identified an important factor when it comes to
illness. They have discovered how to treat bacteria and toxins. Its good that
recently they are revisiting the idea of Mind-body connection. Personally I
have noticed a change in visiting my primary care doctor. My doctor asks me
what’s going on in my life and how I am feeling. Also they are encouraging
me to exercise and purchase food from the farmers market they have on
Biblical is fact. I believe that the bible was written by our Creator. Our creator
knows us best. When we experience problems or have questions we can
always find facts, truths or principles to live by. I have noticed that TCM and
Western medicine advocates many things that the bible mentions.
We all want to be happy and have a balanced emotional health. I love these
scriptures that tell us how we can achieve TRUE happiness in our life, which
in turn can help us have a healthier mind, body and soul.
Matthew 5:3 - "Happy are those conscious of their spiritual needs,"
Matthew 5:7- "Happy are the merciful,"
Matthew 5:8-" Happy are the pure in heart,"
Matthew 5:9- "Happy are the peacemakers."
Psalms 144:15 - “Happy are the people whose God is Jehovah”

How to Master Your Nerves (Book)
Total Chinese Health (Book)
Monday, April 7, 2014
Week thirteen “..the human species is living as if it had more than one planet to occupy…”
My viewpoint on this statement “..the human species is living as if it had more than one planet to occupy…”
Every year harm done to our precious earth gets worse. There are many factors. Some of the reason are due to greed, lack of knowledge of how to take care of the earth and the influence of evil spirit forces.
Planet earth is very special to humans because its the only planet that was made perfect for us. We get the correct amount of sun, water, and oxygen. Honestly if divine intervention doesn't step in humans will destroy this earth. At the rate we are going we could not last another 50 years. I beleive in the bible and it says that "man can't direct his own steps" we need guidance and all of us have a need for spirituality. God has let humans temporarily guide themself, but we see were this gets us, in this particular situation we are in now.
I am glad what the bible says about the future. So despite all the problems we face now soon things will change for the good permanently. (Cleansed earth, perfect health, everlasting life, dead brought back to life) all these things we naturally yearn for. :)
Monday, March 24, 2014
My thoughts on the Article: Acupuncture Calms Anxiety Disorder - New Research
I appreciated this article because I have been treated for anxiety with the use of acupuncture treatments. This article went into Detail as to why those two specific points LU& and K16 work great for treating anxiety.
Article Link: http://www.healthcmi.com/Acupuncture-Continuing-Education-News/1256-acupuncture-calms-anxiety-disorder-new-research
Article Link: http://www.healthcmi.com/Acupuncture-Continuing-Education-News/1256-acupuncture-calms-anxiety-disorder-new-research
What is meditation?
A interesting Article BY:
What is meditation?
“I will meditate on all your activity and ponder over your dealings.”—Psalm 77:12.
Meditation takes many forms, a number of which have roots in ancient Eastern religions. “The mind has to be empty to see clearly,” said one writer on the subject. His words reflect the view that emptying the mind while focusing on certain words or images promotes inner peace, mental clarity, and spiritual enlightenment.
The Bible puts a high value on meditation. (1 Timothy 4:15, footnote) The kind of meditation that it encourages, however, does not entail emptying the mind or repeating a certain word or phrase, sometimes called a mantra. Rather, Biblical meditation involves purposeful thinking on wholesome topics, such as God’s qualities, standards, and creations. “I meditate on all your activity; I eagerly ponder over the work of your hands,” prayed a faithful man of God. (Psalm 143:5) He also said: “I remember you while upon my bed; I meditate on you during the watches of the night.” —Psalm 63:6.
How can meditation benefit you?
“The heart of the righteous one meditates before answering.”—Proverbs 15:28.
Wholesome meditation gives us inner depth, quiet reserve, and moral strength —all of which add insight and understanding to our speech and behavior. (Proverbs 16:23) Such meditation, therefore, also contributes to a happy and rewarding life. Concerning the person who regularly meditates on God, Psalm 1:3 states: “He will be like a tree planted by streams of water, a tree that produces fruit in its season, the foliage of which does not wither. And everything he does will succeed.”
Meditation also helps us to improve our comprehension and memory. To illustrate, when we study an aspect of creation or a certain Bible topic, we learn many interesting facts. But when we meditate on those facts, we see how they relate to one another and to what we have learned in the past. Thus, just as a carpenter turns raw materials into an attractive building, meditation enables us to “assemble” facts into a coherent pattern or structure.
Should meditation be properly directed?
“The heart is more treacherous than anything else and is desperate. Who can know it?”—Jeremiah 17:9.
“From inside, out of the heart of men, come injurious reasonings, sexual immorality, thefts, murders, acts of adultery, greed, acts of wickedness, deceit, brazen conduct, an envious eye, . . . and unreasonableness.” (Mark 7:21, 22) Yes, like a fire, meditation must be controlled! Otherwise, improper thoughts could nurture hurtful desires that might race out of control and lead to evil deeds. —James 1:14, 15.
Accordingly, the Bible encourages us to meditate on ‘things that are true, righteous, pure, lovable, well-spoken-of, virtuous, and praiseworthy.’ (Philippians 4:8, 9; footnote) When we take in such fine thoughts and “sow” them in our mind, we will reap in the form of beautiful qualities, gracious speech, and warm relationships with others. —Colossians 4:6.
The Untold Story of Creation
This is a very interesting Article By: http://www.jw.org/en/publications/magazines/g201403/untold-story-of-creation/
"The Untold Story of Creation"
BILLIONS of people have read or heard what the Bible says about the beginning of the universe. The 3,500-year-old account starts with the well-known statement: “In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth.”
Many people, however, are unaware of the fact that Christendom’s leaders, including so-called creationists and fundamentalists, have spun the Bible account of creation into numerous tales that deviate from what the Bible really says. These interpretations fly in the face of scientific fact. Even though those tales are not found in the Bible, they have caused some people to dismiss the Bible account as mythical allegory.
The real Bible story of creation has gone largely unnoticed. This is a shame, for the Bible actually presents a very logical and credible explanation of the beginning of the universe. What is more, that explanation harmonizes with scientific discovery. Yes, you might be pleasantly surprised by the Bible’s untold story of creation!
The Bible account of creation hinges on the fact that there is a Supreme Being, Almighty God, who created all things. Who is he, and what is his nature? The Bible reveals that he is quite different from the deities found in popular culture and mainstream religion. He is the Creator of all things, but most people know very little about him.
- God is a person, an individual. He is not a vague force devoid of personality, floating aimlessly throughout the universe. He has thoughts, feelings, and goals.
- God has infinite power and wisdom. This explains the complex design found everywhere in creation, especially in living things.
- God created all physical matter. Hence, he cannot be made of physical elements that he himself has created. Rather, he is of a spiritual, or nonphysical, nature.
- God’s existence is not limited by time. He has always existed and will always exist. Hence, no one created him.
- God has a personal name, which is used thousands of times in the Bible. That name is Jehovah.
- Jehovah God loves and cares for humans.
The Bible states that God created “the heavens and the earth.” This broad statement, however, makes no reference to the length of time involved in creating the universe or to the methods he used to shape it. What about the widespread creationist belief that God created the universe in six literal 24-hour days? This concept, widely rejected by scientists, is based on a gross misunderstanding of the Bible account. Consider what the Bible really says.
The Bible does not support fundamentalists and creationists who claim that the creative days were literal 24-hour days
- The Bible does not support fundamentalists and creationists who claim that the creative days were literal 24-hour days.
- The Bible frequently uses the term “day” to designate various periods of time. In some cases these periods are of an unspecified length. The account of creation found in the Bible book of Genesis is one example of this.
- In the Bible account, each of the six creative days could have lasted for thousands of years.
- God had already created the universe, including a lifeless planet Earth, by the time the first creative day began.
- Evidently the six creative days were long periods during which Jehovah God prepared the earth for human habitation.
- The Bible account of creation does not conflict with scientific conclusions about the age of the universe.
Many who do not believe in the Bible embrace the theory that living things emerged from lifeless chemicals through unknown and mindless processes. Supposedly, at some point a bacteria-like, self-replicating organism arose, gradually branching out into all the species that exist today. This would imply that ultimately the mind-bogglingly complex human actually evolved from bacteria.
The theory of evolution is also embraced by many who claim to accept the Bible as the word of God. They believe that God produced the first burst of life on earth but then simply monitored, and perhaps steered, the process of evolution. That, however, is not what the Bible says.
The Bible account of creation does not conflict with the scientific observation that variations occur within a kind
- According to the Bible, Jehovah God created all the basic kinds of plant and animal life, as well as a perfect man and woman who were capable of self-awareness, love, wisdom, and justice.
- The kinds of animals and plants created by God have obviously undergone changes and have produced variations within the kinds. In many cases, the resulting life-forms are remarkably different from one another.
- The Bible account of creation does not conflict with the scientific observation that variations occur within a kind.
In the mid-1800’s, British biologist Alfred Russel Wallace agreed with Charles Darwin on the theory of evolution by natural selection. But even this renowned evolutionist is said to have stated: “For those who have eyes to see and minds accustomed to reflect, in the minutest cells, in the blood, in the whole earth, and throughout the stellar universe . . . , there is intelligent and conscious direction; in a word, there is Mind.”
Almost two thousand years before Wallace, the Bible had already observed: “For [God’s] invisible qualities are clearly seen from the world’s creation onward, because they are perceived by the things made, even his eternal power and Godship.” (Romans 1:20) From time to time, you might want to take a moment to reflect on the marvelous complexities found in nature —from a single blade of grass to the countless heavenly bodies. By examining creation you can perceive the Creator.
‘But if there is a loving God who created all things,’ you may ask, ‘why would he permit suffering? Has he abandoned his earthly creation? What does the future hold?’ The Bible contains many other untold stories —truths that have been buried under human ideas and religious agendas and, therefore, hidden from most people. The publishers of this magazine, Jehovah’s Witnesses, would be happy to help you examine unadulterated Bible truth and learn more about the Creator and the future of his human creation.
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