Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Our emotions and the correlation to our organs- A Traditional Chinese Medicine, Biblical and Western perspective

Our emotions and the correlation to our organs-  
A Traditional Chinese Medicine, Biblical and Western perspective 

By: Gazania McCoy -Washington

Many people are familiar with the saying, "you are what you eat", but what

 about "you are what you think". What goes on in our mind has a great effect

on the body. Thoughts and emotions affect all  organs and systems of the

human body: nervous, immune, hormonal, circulatory, and reproductive. In

my report I want to explore briefly TCM perspective, western view and

knowledge from the bible that mentions the connection between emotions

 and organ health.

Traditional Chinese Medicine

"The seven basic emotional related to organ function anger, joy, worry,

pensiveness, sadness, fear, and shock (fright)". Imbalance of these emotions

can affect organ function. Example: prolonged anger lead to imbalance liver

and liver imbalance symptoms of anger. Anger causes imbalance to the liver.

Joy to Heart, Worry to Spleen, Pensiveness to Spleen, Sadness to Lungs,

Fear to Kidneys, Shock to Heart & Kidneys.

Emotional well being is vital part of health. Having these emotions are part of

the normal human experience, but the Problem is when our emotions

become excessive or repressed. Sometimes our organ may be out of

balance and produce emotional imbalance, which gives us the emotions

mentioned above.

Our happiness is important for our health. Uncontrolled emotions can disrupt

vital energy qi and weaken the immune system. Zhang zi he (1156 -1228)

discovered that when emotions come suddenly, or you hang on to them too

 long, it upsets the energy flow threw your meridians, make you sick.

The chart below shows what each emotion can do to the body internally.

“Total Chinese Health” page 45

Emotion       Internal climate
Joy  Heat
Anger Wind, fire, heat
Fear        Cold
Worry         Dampness
Sadness.  Dryness

The Heart

The important organ of the body whose chief function is to pump the blood to

nourish the body cells.

Leviticus 17:14 “For the life* of every sort of flesh is its blood, because the life* is in it. “

The Heart is prominent in the scriptures, its mentioned 1,000 times.

 Safeguard your heart the whole inner person for out of it are the sources of

life. In the bible when the heart is mentioned with mind it refers to the

emotions, desires, feelings of the inner person.

Proverbs 14:30- “A calm heart is the life of the fleshly organism.”

 Proverbs 17:22-"A heart that is joyful does as a curer" (king Solomon 3000 years ago).

Journal of the American college of cardiology stated "current findings suggest

harmful association between anger and hostility and coronary heart disease."

The Journal notes "successful prevention and treatments of CHD might

involve not only conventional,  physical and pharmaceutical therapies, but

also psychological management focusing on anger and hostility". Simply put,

a calm heart fosters good health just like the bible and TCM say. Dr. Derek

Cox a health official in Scotland said in a BBC report "If you are happy you

are likely in the future to have less in the way of physical illness than those

who are unhappy.


Anxiety can be damaging to one’s well-being. It can lead to depression,

robbing one of strength and the initiative to act. Says the inspired proverb:

“Anxious care in the heart of a man is what will cause it to bow down.”

Proverbs 12:25- “Anxiety in a man’s heart weighs it down,
But a good word cheers it up.”

There can be serious physical manifestations from worry. Observes the book

How to Master Your Nerves: “Doctors know how anxiety can affect the body’s

functions. It can raise (or lower) blood pressure; it can elevate the white blood

cell count; it can suddenly affect the blood sugar by the action of adrenalin on

the liver. It can even change your electrocardiogram. Dr. Charles Mayo said:

 ‘Worry affects the circulation, the heart, the glands, the whole nervous



Traditional western medicine believe that emotions affect our health. Doctors

have pondered the connection between our mental and physical health for

centuries. In early Western medicine they believed that emotions were linked

to disease and prescribe that people relax and visit a spa when they were

sick. Eventually emotions were no longer the causes of illness, but  bacteria

 or toxins. So new treatments like  antibiotics cured illness.

They have been revisiting the links between stress and health. Today,

Western medicine accepts that there is a powerful mind-body connection

through which emotional, mental, social, spiritual, and behavioral factors can

directly affect our health.


Living with fear is highly stressful. It often leads to depression and can ruin a

person’s health. “Stress suppresses the immune system and is a contributing

factor in most diseases,” explains a Western health magazine. “The body will

develop symptoms of wear and tear, especially on the organs involved.

 Hypertension, heart disease, kidney disease, gastrointestinal disorders,

ulcers, headaches, insomnia, depression, and anxiety can develop.”


Traditional Chinese Medicine  is spot on with the emotion and organ

connection. My mom has kidney failure and prior to getting the official

diagnosis she would seem to have extreme panic attacks and fear of almost

everything. TCM is ahead of time regarding diagnosing the body and

identifying issues to help prevent or improving the body.

Western Medicine also has identified an important factor when it comes to

illness. They have discovered how to treat bacteria and toxins. Its good that

recently they are revisiting the idea of Mind-body connection. Personally I

have noticed a change in visiting my primary care doctor. My doctor asks me

what’s going on in my life and how I am feeling. Also they are encouraging

me to exercise and purchase food from the farmers market they have on


Biblical is fact. I believe that the bible was written by our Creator. Our creator

knows us best. When we experience problems or have questions we can

always find facts, truths or principles to live by. I have noticed that TCM and

Western medicine advocates many things that the bible mentions.

We all want to be happy and have a balanced emotional health. I love these

scriptures that tell us how we can achieve TRUE happiness in our life, which

in turn can help us have a healthier mind, body and soul.

Matthew 5:3 - "Happy are those conscious of their spiritual needs,"

Matthew 5:7- "Happy are the merciful,"

Matthew 5:8-" Happy are the pure in heart,"

Matthew 5:9- "Happy are the peacemakers."

Psalms 144:15 - “Happy are the people whose God is Jehovah”

How to Master Your Nerves (Book)
Total Chinese Health (Book)

1 comment:

  1. This makes me so excited to learn more and more about how emotions impact our health thru TCM. I have always been a very emotional person. My emotions feel like my truth, when in fact there is much more to it. After reading this it makes me ponder how much my emotions have effected my health and vise versa. I think excess of any of these, just like you mentioned, can have a very negative effect on us, but understanding them more, through the medium of TCM, can probably really help. I like that you included your faith in this report, as well, because healing and spirituality can go hand in hand. For a lot of people, a higher power can be a big part in what it takes to get better. Also, I've appreciated this semester how you have shared personal things about either your own health or your mother's and applied it to the program and in teaching your fellow classmates. Thank you for that!
