Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Alchemy – science, magic, art – or all three?

What is Alchemy?

"Alchemy was a quasi- science that centered on the inherent powers of the four elements: fire, water, earth, and air. The idea was that varying combinations of these 4 basic common materials would provide one the makings of any element in existence. Alchemy was first utilized in Khem, the ancient name for Egypt (Al-Kimiya), and although they are far removed in time and sophistication, and at the time didn't know it, practitioners provided the foundation for modern chemistry. Finally, chemistry replaced it completely, over a relatively brief time span, thanks to the intellectual tsunami that was the Renaissance

Of the more legendary aspects of Alchemy, the most common belief is that by mixing the proper materials in the right proportions and performing certain secret rituals, lead or any other metal could be turned into gold. Another prominent belief was that, in like manner thePhilosopher's Stone, a mythical rock thought to possess the capacity to prolong the owner's lifespan, could be produced. 

At their developmental peak, alchemists were practicing a primitive form of chemistry. Like modern chemists, they were isolating and identifying elements and compounds, and learning and documenting how they interacted with each other. As scientific understanding grew it was realized that there was nothing magical or supernatural about the processes, but rather that they were natural chemical reactions which followed predictable natural laws. Hence, few people in modern times believe that lead can be turned into gold or that there is a mystical Philosophers Stone which can grant the holder great knowledge and power." - http://wiki.answers.com/Q/What_is_alchemy

My Thoughts:

Alchemists were not aware but they were using science. Magic? ....no its just natures law. They believed they had special powers but in actuality didn't. The rituals they performed didnt help aid any natural chemical reaction. However Alchemists were before their time, identifying and mixing elements.

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Semiconductor of the Week


Silicon is a chemical element with the symbol Si and atomic number 14. It is a tetravalent metalloid, less reactive than its chemical analog carbon, the nonmetal directly above it in the periodic table, but more reactive than germanium, the metalloid directly below it in the table. Silicon is a solid at room temperature, It is used in most electronics (motherboards, chips, transistors, IC chips). That is why its called Silicon valley

My opinion of Molecular Medicine

First, What is Molecular Medicine?

The study of disease at a molecular and cellular level. For example, you may investigate the causes of disease, potential treatments and therapies for disease, and ways of preventing disease.

My Opinion:

I believe that this research is valuable in understanding many diseases, but what they also need to take into consideration is the fact that humans are not only physical but emotional creatures. Many health problems we have today is due to some form of emotional issue.

 Also the article I read about injecting  some form of "Cellular Robot" to eradicate cancer cells sounds cool, but dangerous at the same time. I believe that their is a more natural cure for all diseases, but many drug companies or technology companies will not profit from it (not able to patent God's creation ie ...cinnamon, sour sop fruit, injecting High doses vitamin c to kill cancer cells, Garlic ).

It needs to be a healthy relationship between Holistic and scientific approach to healing and finding cures for diseases. 

Alkali Earth Metal of the Week


Barium is a chemical element with symbol Ba and atomic number 56.Barium is a soft, silvery white metal, with a slight golden shade when ultra pure. Barium is chemically similar to magnesium, calcium, and strontium, being even more reactive. Barium is used in testing procedures. Patients swallow barium and an x-ray is done of their digestive system. It is used as a radiocontrast agent in X-ray imaging of the digestive system.

Sunday, February 9, 2014

Is Food Medicine?

"Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food" -Hippocrates

Food is tasty, delicious, physically fulfilling, satisfying on a cellular level.....food is healing to us. Our bodies need vitamins and nutritents and whole food provides it to us in the right amounts.

 Disease takes place when our bodies lack sufficient nutrients (which can be caused by not eating proper foods, chemicals in our food, a body under too much stress etc). When we make an  assement of ones health, if they are having aliments, no matter what technique used to help them, their nutrition must be addressed. Nutrition is what feeds our cells and if our cells are happy ....we are healthy and happy.

Whole foods make Happy cells. Whole foods heals our cells. Food is medicine :)

Inert Gas of the week


What is an inert gas? 

An inert gas is a gas which does not undergo chemical reactions under a set of given conditions. 

Helium is a inert gasHelium is a very light, inert, colorless gas. Helium has the lowest melting point of any element. It is the only liquid that cannot be solidified by lowering the temperature. It remains liquid down to absolute zero at ordinary pressures, but can be solidified by increasing the pressure. The specific heat of helium gas is unusually high. Next to hydrogen helium is the most abundant element in the universe. 

I mostly associate helium with blowing up balloons and people putting the gas in their mouth to sound funny.

Exploring the color of food in my kitchen

Colors in my kitchen 
So I walked in my kitchen and wrote down basically all the food I currently have. Check out the list below.

Pears, kale salad, Brussel sprout, grapes, chives, collard greens, avocados

Milk, eggs, salt, garlic, flower, sugar, coconut milk, mayo, tarter sauce

Pineapple, curry spice, turmeric, mustard

Rice, bread, pasta, pinto beans, cheerios, cashews nuts, peanut bars

Kidney beans, grape juice, strawberries, ribs, lamb, chicken

Gourmet potatoes, onions



I believe that ones diet should consist of a vareity of colors and moderation. I firmly believe in the eat clean lifestyle, basically eat wholefood, stay way/limit refined and process anything, drink plenty of room temperature water and incorporate excercise into your daily life. I am not perfect but I strive on a daily basis to implement it.

Monday, February 3, 2014

How close are we to a Green Economy?

How close are we to a green economy?  Well first lets understand what it is.

According to wiki it is :
"The green economy is one that results in improved human well-being and social equity, while significantly reducing environmental risks and ecological scarcities. Green economy is an economy or economic development model based on sustainable development and a knowledge of ecological economics.
Karl Burkart defines a green economy as based on six main sectors:
Renewable Energy
Green Buildings
Sustainable Transport
Water Management
Land Management "

My Thoughts:

As a whole we have a long way to go. In particular, we are years away from having  a Green economy, but I feel they are making steps in the right direction.

As a human race we are trying to find ways to advance our food production, travel faster to places, build homes faster with cheap material, and import foods from other countries. Advancement is good but somethings are doing more harm than good.

For the USA a green economy seems to be considered an option or a good deed, but it needs to be "a way of Life", the only way...NOT AN OPTION (Required by law). On many issues I believe that some of the solution are that we go back to basics. Adapt some of the old ways of doing things. It was more efficient , sustaining and healthy for us.

 We would do best to examine other countries that are doing good in developing a green economy. A couple of years back I visited a small island in the Caribbean of a population of about 70k. Its known as "the Nature Island of The Caribbean" also called Dominica in the West Indies (not Dominica Republic).

Some of the things I enjoyed while in Dominica:
1. Fruit trees lined the road and people just picked fruit for free

2. 365 fresh water rivers flowing to the ocean (people still washed clothes and took baths in certain areas)

3. Homes built from local wood 

4. If you wanted to fish you would just take your boat go out and fish (get enough to feed your family for the day)

5. Pride tourism on their Eco economy (which helps preserve its natural beauty)

6. Grammer school teaches children to cultivate a garden (government teaches kids self sustaining skills that will preserve the island and its people)

7. Farmers market is not a big deal like it is out here "ITS A WAY OF LIFE" its how you survive...EAT LOCAL FRESH FOOD GROWN FROM YOUR VILLAGE.

8. Many of the people are not Rich but They are Happy (but many in the USA are not rich either, but sick and unhappy)

9. My sisters got the chance to visit a lady that was 128 years old (this country has several people over the age of 100) 

10. In particular they have a Carib reserve in the rain forest. Most all live like they did years ago. Click here to see Video

Pics from back when I visited 

Videos about Dominica:

Most places to stay here on this island are TRULY ECO Style. This small island is a  leader in Green Economy Tourism.

I believe that Only God's Earthly Kingdom will provide permanent solution to mankind's problems.Every day we make choices that affect the environment. It is proper that we consider the environmental impact of our choices in such areas as household purchases, transportation, and recreation.We remain individually accountable for our decisions. As the Bible states, “each one will carry his own load.” Galatians 6:5 

The Creator placed upon humans the responsibility to care for the earth. Appreciation for this assignment and humble respect for God and his creative works should motivate us to make thoughtful, conscientious decisions regarding how we treat the earth.
Will God act to solve earth’s environmental problems?—Revelation 11:18 (bring to ruin those ruining the earth.) 
What responsibility for the earth has God entrusted to humans?—Genesis 2:15 (cultivate it and to take care of it).
What example did Jesus Christ set in avoiding wastefulness?—John 6:12 (Gather together the fragments left over, so that nothing is wasted.)

Catalyst of the Week


Iridium is the chemical element.. Symbol Ir and atomic number 77.
It's hard, brittle, silvery-white transition metal of the platinum family, iridium is the second-densest element and is the most corrosion-resistant metal.

It is primary used as a Harding agent for platinum. A thin layer of Iridium exist in the earth's crust, but higher concentration exist in meteors and asteroids. This proves that during the earth creation meteors and asteroids were used.

Iridium is highly flammable. If you get in your eyes it will cause irritation and if digested will cause digestion problems.