Saturday, January 25, 2014

An Interview with a Biochemist, Microbiologist, Biotechnologist, and Pharmaceutical Research Scientist

Interesting interviews. Please click on the links to read them.

Dr. Dave Loos - Biochemist
Click here for his interview

Dr. Davey Loos is a biochemist in Belgium. At one time, he doubted the existence of a Creator, believing instead in evolution. Later, he changed his mind. What caused a researcher to reconsider his beliefs about the origin of life?

Dr. Hans Kristian - Biotechnologist
Click here for interview

In 1978, Dr. Hans Kristian Kotlar’s first job in scientific research was at the Norwegian Radium Hospital, where he studied cancer and the human immune system. At that time, he also became interested in the origin of life.

Feng Lin-Yang - Microbiologist
Click here for interview

Feng-Ling Yang is a senior research assistant at the central research academy in Taipei, Taiwan. Her work has been published in scientific journals. She used to believe in the theory of evolution. But then she changed her mind.

Fredric Dumoulin -Pharmaceutical Research Scientist
Click here for interview

For more than a decade, Frédéric Dumoulin has worked in the field of pharmaceutical research at Ghent University in Belgium. At one time he was an atheist. But later Frédéric became convinced that God created life. 


Note: All information taken from

Friday, January 24, 2014

Review of

Review of

I love what this organization stands for.

 “Green Chemistry is the utilization of a set of principles that reduces or eliminates the use or generation of hazardous substances in the design, manufacture and application of chemical products.” Green Chemistry: Theory and Practice by Paul Anastas and John Warner

Here are some of the principles they promote and teach:

 Prevention It is better to prevent waste than to treat or clean up waste after it has been created. 

Use of Renewable Feedstocks A raw material or feedstock should be renewable rather than depleting whenever technically and economically practicable. 

Less Hazardous Chemical Syntheses Wherever practicable, synthetic methods should be designed to use and generate substances that possess little or no toxicity to human health and the environment.  

One way they are advancing Green Chemistry is through education. They are teaching the basic principles to new chemistry students/future chemist.Another way they are  advancing Green Chemistry is through collaborations. Each year they pick 10 researchers from the environmental field and green chemistry and they serve as fellows. They become important reporters of this field and translate the findings into language the population can understand and help them to appreciate so that it can be utilize as standard practice.

Its good to see people that are advocating for a cause that will reduce the amount of toxicity businesses are expelling into the environment and researching solutions.


Transitional Metal of the Week

Transitional Metal of the Week is "CU" also known as COPPER.

My first thought of copper can get $3.00 a pound and its a great conductor of electricity.
Copper is a chemical element with a symbol Cu and its atomic number is 29. It is also a trace dietary mineral used in the respiratory enzymes. According to some medical research health benefits of copper include proper growth of the body, efficient utilization of iron, proper enzymatic reactions, as well as improved health of connective tissues, hair, and eyes. Copper is also important for preventing premature aging and increasing energy production. Apart from these, regulated heart rhythm, balanced thyroid glands, reduced symptoms of arthritis, quick wound healing, increased red blood cell formation, and reduced cholesterol are other health benefits of copper. I hear that some cultures use it for bracelets to help with arthritic joints. I used Copper for about 6 months for birth control. For some reason it creates an environment that sperm dislike, but the problem was that it caused me to bleed very  heavy during menstruation. Ohhh yes copper is used when making Pennies!!!

Thursday, January 23, 2014

My thoughts on "Neptune's Medicine Chest" By John Balzar

Bill Fenical is a explorer a dreamer. He had a job as a chemist for an oil company but it was not satisfying. He turned to oceanographic research to study chemical interactions of marine organisms. He is trail blazing this area of study because there is a ton of chemistry at work in the ocean and we know so little. What makes this journey of his remarkable is the fact that he is trying to find a compound or bio-marine chemicals that will kill cancer cells or better yet prevent cancer. I am glad that his lab is conducting human clinical trails on two compounds that he got from the marine organisms. I know our bodies were made to heal it self if we created the proper environment. Our earth and elements around us were created for our benefit....we just have to find it and Fenical is paving the way using Marine Bio-medicine.

Sunday, January 19, 2014

Review of article : Elements, Compound and mixtures

Review of the following article:

This article was clear, concise and visually appealing. The animated pictues gave me a quick understanding of elements, compound and mixtures.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Discussion question: Are we too lax in our environmental controls?

Destruction of the environment is a major problem. In order to address the problem successfully we would need the worlds government to be on the same page and strictly enforce the law as if humankind existence depended on it.....because it does. Due to greed governments are reluctant to address the matter. The companies that are polluting the environment are bringing in large amounts of tax dollars for the government.

The question is not are they too lax in environmental controls, but how is the government benefiting from laxed environmental controls?

Element of the Week

Mr. Magnesium...also known as Mg, number 12 or Mr. Lite weight. MAGNESIUM is abundant in supply here on earth because it builds up excess in super nova stars. Its a sliver white metal and it burns with a bright light, which is why it is used in flash bulbs.

Magnesium is a lite weight metal, so they sometimes use it for making the outer frames for cellphones and laptops.

Magnesium is vital, without it we would not exist. How? Well its used in the process of photosynthesis which provides oxygen that sustain life here on this beautiful earth.

Did you know that magnesium is the 4th most abundant mineral in our bodies and is a co - factor for the enzymes in our body? Every cell in our body needs magnesium. Its beneficial for nerve function, heart rhythm and building strong bones. It is also contained in some of the foods we eat like fruits, veggies, fish, nuts and mineral water.

Mr. MAGNESIUM  and I are the best of friends :)

Scientific notes:
Discovered in 1755 by Joseph Black

Dr. Richard gerhauh md

Chemistry Quiz Week #1

1. Classify the following as either a chemical or physical change. 
Burning Wood =Chemical
Crushing a Rock =physical
Dissolving  Sugar in water =Physical
The rusting of Iron =chemical
2. Classify the following as to whether or not they are pure substances or mixtures. 
Milk =mixture
Table Salt =mixture
Sugar =pure
Steel =mixture
3. A cup of black coffee is considered to be Homogeneous and a/an impure substance. 

4. The boiling of water is considered to be a physical change and the temperature at which water boils is considered to be a physical property. 


Hey many great and interesting things to say...well my name is Gazania (a South African Flower) I am a wife of almost 10 years a mother of 2 kids (Savannah 10 years old and Brandon 6 years old) and a owner of a 2 year old Siberian Husky. I am 49% west African, 21% east Asian, 20% European, 10% Polynesian ...(yes I did a ancestry DNA test...pretty cool huh!  I was born and raised in Oakland and moved to San Lorenzo when I purchased my first Home.  I have a degree in Electronics, studied dance and Nutrition in college and produce fashion shows. I love to dance (west African, Tahitian, hip hop, interpretive, etc) , model, spend time with my family, travel, serve my creator Jehovah and advocate a healthy lifestyle.This year my hubby and I got in invitation to attend a International Convention in Zimbabwe. So this August will be my first time visiting Africa and I am really excited.

So what brought me to attend Acupuncture school? Well Cancer and Diabetes run rampant in my family. Within the last 8 years I can name at least 10 of my family members who have died from these conditions or have been diagnosed. But what really hits close to home is the diagnoses of my mother. She has kidney failure and breast cancer. My mother really introduced me to holistic health (acupuncture, chiropractor, muscle testing, ) Personally I had begun to get really sick a couple of years ago. I had bad panic attacks, depression, vertigo, irregular menstrual cycle unable to drive for 1 year...I have been to many doctors and changed them 5 times. They all wanted to give me drugs and told me its all in my head and suggest I go to a therapist....long story short....I was diagnosed with diabetes 3 years ago and have worked with my current acupuncturist and chiropractor which has helped me to have regular periods and lessen my vertigo/dizziness. Through this journey of health I have learned a lot and overcome many obstacles. I have learned that though this terrible conditions run rampant in my family there are constants that needs to change...1. Eating habits 2. Exercising 3. Stress management. I plan on specializing and doing more research on using acupuncture in helping with diabetes, high blood pressure and Cancer. I want to educate the population that are at higher risk of these conditions. SO I want to use what I learn to improve my own health and the health of others. I do know that all the sickness and problems in this world is only temporary and soon God's kingdom will bring about perfect conditions on earth, but for now I want to help people cope and heal themselves.

Naturally Gazania