Thursday, January 23, 2014

My thoughts on "Neptune's Medicine Chest" By John Balzar

Bill Fenical is a explorer a dreamer. He had a job as a chemist for an oil company but it was not satisfying. He turned to oceanographic research to study chemical interactions of marine organisms. He is trail blazing this area of study because there is a ton of chemistry at work in the ocean and we know so little. What makes this journey of his remarkable is the fact that he is trying to find a compound or bio-marine chemicals that will kill cancer cells or better yet prevent cancer. I am glad that his lab is conducting human clinical trails on two compounds that he got from the marine organisms. I know our bodies were made to heal it self if we created the proper environment. Our earth and elements around us were created for our benefit....we just have to find it and Fenical is paving the way using Marine Bio-medicine.


  1. Do you really think the earth and elements were created for our benefit? Maybe another way to think about it is that we were created to live in a symbiotic relationship with the earth and the elements around us. With that meaning, we too are responsible for giving back to our environment and being a part or the natural cycle of life.

    1. The earth,elements and all other living creatures were created for humans to benefit and enjoy. We received a gift (Life on this earth) but I believe we need the earth in order to survive but the earth does not need us.The problem: Humans are ruining the earth and don't have full knowledge as to how to live in harmony with it and some purposely abuse it for greed (which is sad). I do agree that our earth materials hold one of the keys to curing many diseases, but in the process of finding it humans may cause harm to the earth. .....But I personally believe that humans were created to live forever on earth (and scientist don't understand why because our cells was designed to renew it self so we never grow old) But from my examination of the bible I understand
